Kick It

The morning alarm didn’t ring. I woke up a good 90 minutes after I was supposed to, and I simply didn’t want to go to school. My mother came in and insisted, despite my pleas to stay home.
By the time I got there I had already missed the first two classes, and of course I didn’t do the homework. The teacher just went on and on like some holier than thou preacher at me, in front of the whole class, as if I was some kind of jerk or something.
I just wanted to leave. I just wanted to have some fun and let loose. Forget everything. It wasn’t going to come easy. It was something I’d have to fight for.
On the way home, I was smoking a cigarette and my father drove by me. He screeched the brakes and got out of the car, humiliating me in front of my friends as he took the smokes and said, “I better not catch you smoking ever again.” Pretty hypocritical, coming from a guy who smokes two packs a day, easily.
I got home, slammed my door shut, and was looking forward to spanking it to my favorite porno mag. Lifted up my mattress and there was a note there, from mom that said, “THREW THIS GARBAGE AWAY!”
It’s such a fucking drag living here.
I grabbed my phone, threw on a new shirt and my spiked jacket and decided to leave. My father screamed, “What the hell? You aren’t going out of the house looking like THAT! And if you don’t cut that damn hair of yours, I’m going to kick you out of this house!” Mom chimed in and said, What is that garbage you’re listening to, you’re going to go deaf!”
I couldn’t take it anymore, and I screamed back at her, “MOM! YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS!”
I left and slammed the door hard behind me. It was my right to go to that party.
And I was going to fight for it.