The Fictionalization of The Holocaust in TV, Movies, and Literature

Historical fiction goes back to the time of Shakespeare, and even The Bible. Historical fiction allows the artist to fill in the unrecorded pieces, add conversations that were previously left to speculation, or in some cases, simply invent new scenes or alternate realities to the events that occurred. As escapism, historical fiction is a way for people to experience the event through a different perspective, or ground an unrelated story in something that’s relatable, or provide a different context. In read more

The All-Star Squadron

All-Star Squadron was a 1981 comic that was a revival of sorts of the Justice Society of America which was a 1941 DC super team that predated the Justice League of America which became the gold standard for comic book team books until Marvel came out with The Fantastic Four and The Avengers. WHEW! Anyway, I love this cover, which depicts Hawkman, The Atom, and Dr. Midnight considering new members of the team by looking at the press photos that … read more

How Henry Ford Inspired Hitler

People think of Henry Ford as one of the great Americans, but few are aware of the fact that he was instrumental in promoting Anti-Semitism in the USA. So vocal and powerful were his efforts that they influenced Hitler himself. Through a company produced a newspaper called The Dearborn Independent, Ford promoted and reprinted writings from a work from 1903 called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This work was a hoax that showed how Jews controlled the … read more

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