The Fictionalization of The Holocaust in TV, Movies, and Literature

Historical fiction goes back to the time of Shakespeare, and even The Bible. Historical fiction allows the artist to fill in the unrecorded pieces, add conversations that were previously left to speculation, or in some cases, simply invent new scenes or alternate realities to the events that occurred. As escapism, historical fiction is a way for people to experience the event through a different perspective, or ground an unrelated story in something that’s relatable, or provide a different context. In read more

Top 20 Pop Culture Plants

Plants, trees, vines, and vegetation of all sorts have played an important part of pop culture since pop culture first existed. From The Garden of Eden to The Sherwood Forest, plants big and small have influenced literature, TV shows, and toys from all generations. This list started out as kind of a joke but the more I thought about it, the more I totally dug the idea. Plus any chance I have to write about Kooky Spooky Trees is worth read more

An Interview With Sherwood Schwartz

When I was given the opportunity to interview Sherwood Schwartz, I jumped at the chance!  I’m a certified Brady Bunch junkie and have easily seen each episode more than 3 times.  At 87 years old, Sherwood is still sharp as a tack, incredibly busy, and has a ton of projects he’s still actively involved with.

Sherwood’s wrote for Bob Hope’s radio programming in the early 30s, and was there for the dawn of television, writing and producing shows like “The read more

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